The short film “Sex Relish”, by Ãnanda Safo, and the ‘feature’ “Scheherazade’s Diary”, by Zeina Daccache, are among the awarded films at the Olhares do Mediterraneo festival, which ended on Sunday in Lisbon, the organization announced. The jury awarded the prize for best short film to the animated film “Sex Relish”, by the French director Ãnanda Safo, describing it as “a compliment to female freedom, mandatory viewing for women and men”. awards to the films “Tutu”, by Lorenzo Tiberia (Italy), and “Warsha”, by Dania Bdeir (Lebanon). Spain), about an Italian medical student who decides to study in Palestine, and the ‘long’ “Scheherazade’s Diary”, by Zeina Daccache (Lebanon), shot in a Lebanese prison for women. View”, by Roser Corella (Lebanon, Austria and Germany), which “depicts Lebanese society from its most intimate space: the home”, and awarded an honorable mention to “Mehret Goes East”, by Cécil Chaignot (France). one to the documentary “Mesa Posta”, by Beatriz de Sousa, and two others to “Lia”, by the Italian Giulia Regini, “Stagnant Water”, by the Israeli Coraline Zorea, and “Half Time”, a French production by Anaïs Baseilhac. The Olhares do Mediterráneo festival celebrated its ninth edition between Cinema São Jorge and Cinemateca Portuguesa and was dedicated this year to cinema from Lebanon. from the Mediterranean.