The much-awaited reunion of TV’s longest high-rated running TV show aired on HBO Max on May 27, 2022. The cast of the fan favourite sitcom came together after 11 years and made their second-time appearance in the public domain together. The actors returned to the sets where the show was originally filmed, and the one and a half-hour reunion special episode ended with tears in eyes and a pile of nostalgic moments that were described by the actors themselves.
However, the actors cut off an issue that was very much popular between the filming of its third and sixth season, and it was about Matthew Perry. In the gathering, it is seen that he is the person who makes the least intercessions and when he does it is to make the odd joke or to tell how awful it happened when he required the public that was while shooting the arrangement to snicker with his jokes yes or no indeed, to the purpose of turning into a fixation.
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Matthew Perry And His Hard Time On Friends
The saga of Matthew Perry’s alcohol addiction is no new for the fans of the famous sitcom. The actor who gave life to the charismatic and beloved character Chandler from Friends had a really bad time during his shoot: “From the perspective of another person outside of all this, it would seem that he had it all. It was actually a very lonely time for me because I suffered from alcoholism,” Perry said in a 2013 interview with Today.
At the reunion, there is no mention of how bad it could have been behind the cameras of the series, only anecdotes and details that threaten the purest nostalgia: “I do not remember three years of it . It was a bit out of place at the time, sometime between seasons three and six. “