The animated film “Luce e o Rochedo” won the IndieJúnior Grand Prize at the seventh edition of the International Children’s and Youth Film Festival, which ended on Sunday in Porto. mar.The Grand Prix has a value of 1,250 euros and the award-winning animated film has script and editing by Britt Raes.The film “Memoirs of a Turbulent Day”, by Sofia Georgovassili, was distinguished with an honorable mention.The Audience Award went to the animated film “O Gato”, by Julia Ocker and the Impact Prize from the University of Porto, worth 1,000 euros, distinguished “Sem Mancha”, with an honorable mention for “Estrelas no Mar”, by Seung-Wook Jang .This year, the festival showed more than 50 films (fictions, documentaries, animations) in several rooms: Batalha Centro de Cinema, Almeida Garrett Library, Casa das Artes, Coliseu do Porto, Maus Hábitos and Rectory of the University of Porto.